Code of Ethics

At our firm we are big proponents of visualization and making your own success. We understand that what you sow into this world, you will reap.
It only pays to be honest and ethical. If we make a mistake, we will be held accountable. We strive to instill the values we all inherently desire. The core values we grew up believing in and expect from credible business. We strive at BAI Inspection Services LLC an exclusive experience; One which reestablishes a sence of community and trust.
We will always try to go out of our way to make a difference in your lives and only ask for your friendship and patronage in return. BAI Inspection Services LLC. has developed and adopted the following Code of Professional Ethics which applies to all inspectors and affiliates in the performance of their services. Agreement and adherence to these “Code of Ethics” are a requirement for service to the public.
All inspectors and affiliates agree to conduct themselves and their business in accordance with the following:
- Client Service. Inspectors and affiliates agree to serve their clients with honesty, integrity, candor, and objectivity. They will provide their services with competence, using reasonable care, skill and diligence consistent with the interest of the client and the applicable standard of care.
- Competence. Inspectors and affiliates serve their clients in a timely and competent manner and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, age, gender, religion, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation.
- Representation of Qualifications and Authority. Inspectors and affiliates will only accept assignments for which they are qualified by their education, training, professional experience and technical competence, and will assign staff or subcontractors to projects in accordance with their qualifications and commensurate with the services to be provided, and they will only make representations concerning their qualifications and availability which are truthful and accurate.
- Standards of Practice. Inspectors and affiliates will furnish their services in a manner consistent with the adopted standards of NACBI and with all local, state, provincial or federal laws and regulations which govern their practice.
- Fair Competition. Inspectors and affiliates will represent their project experience accurately to their prospective clients and offer services and staff that are capable of delivering their products and services in compliance with these “Code of Ethics”. inspectors and affiliates will develop their professional reputation on the basis of their direct experience and service provided and will only engage in fair competition for assignments.
- Conflicts of Interest. Inspectors and affiliates will endeavor to avoid conflicts of interest, and will disclose conflicts which in their opinion may impair objectivity or integrity.
- Fair Compensation. Inspectors and affiliates negotiate fairly and openly with their clients in establishing a basis for compensation, and will charge fees and expenses that are reasonable and commensurate with their services provided and the risks to be assumed.
- Release of Information. Inspectors and affiliates will only make statements that are truthful, and will keep information and records confidential when appropriate and protect the proprietary interests of their clients and professional colleagues.
- Public Welfare. Inspectors and affiliates will not discriminate in the performance of their services on the bases of race, religion, national origin, age, disability, or sexual orientation. Members will not knowingly violate any law, statute, or regulation in the performance of their professional services.
- Professional Development. Inspectors and affiliates will continue to develop their professional knowledge and competency, and will contribute to the advancement of others by fostering research and education and through encouragement to fellow practitioners.
- Integrity of their Profession. Inspectors and affiliates will avoid actions which promote their own self-interest at the expense of their profession, and will uphold the standards of their profession with honor and dignity. inspectors and affiliates will involve themselves in civic activities as citizens and professionals, and promote public awareness of issues about the importance of examination and inspection of commercial buildings.
- Conduct. Inspectors and affiliates will uphold and advance the spirit and letter of the laws governing their professional affairs, and will thoughtfully consider the public impact of their professional activities by:
a. Upholding the laws in the conduct of their professional business activities. b. Unknowingly violate the law; c. Never offering nor making any payment or gift to anyone with the intent of influencing the judgment and decision in connection with an existing or prospective client. d. Not engaging in conduct involving fraud or wanton disregard of the rights of others. e. Not engaging or assisting clients in conduct that is deemed, or is reasonably known that is fraudulent or illegal.